Safety System for Healthcare Staff

The RFiD Discovery Staff Safety Emergency Call system helps safeguard medical staff in hospitals, care homes and other healthcare environments.

staff safety, nurses holding medical equipment

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Protect your medical staff with an emergency call system


The RFiD Discovery Staff Safety Emergency Call system helps safeguard medical staff in case of personal attacks from patients or visitors in healthcare environments. When a nurse or doctor triggers the alarm using their Personal Staff Badge, the system automatically alerts security staff, identifying the individual in trouble and helping to pinpoint their location in the hospital.


hospital nurses and doctors, staff safety


• Avoids false alarms as alerts can be easily cancelled
• Staff feel safer
• Helps protect safety of doctors and nurses in high-risk areas including A&E
• Quick response times for security staff





How the staff emergency call solution works 


The system

Each member of the medical team requiring protection wears a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag integrated into their staff name badge. This active RFID tag sends a unique ID at regular intervals to a network of radio frequency (RF) receivers to track its location.


Raising an alarm

The tag features an emergency call button which, if pressed, sends out a distress signal. RF receivers placed in different areas of the building detect if an alarm has been raised together with the location of the badge at the time of the alert.

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Alerting security

A message including location information of the person in distress is then sent to security staff who can quickly attend the incident. Alerts can be raised in various ways including audible alarm, email, text or pager. In case of a false alarm, a second button can be pressed to disable the alert.

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